Pauli Hyvönen
Postikuja 1 as 2, 73100 Lapinlahti, Finland
Postikuja 1 as 2, 73100 Lapinlahti, Finland Telephone number 044-0265058 e-mail Born 1947
Education and studies
Art education Adult Education Centre, Raahe (1999-2001) Kaskikuusi Adult Education Centre, Lapinlahti (2007-2018) Other education Master of Science 1977
Group exhibitionsThe Fine arts society Arttiimi Kuopio Summer exhibition 2023 main library The Fine arts society of Iisalmi Region The 70-year-exhibition at the Lapinlahti Art Museum 14.10. – 31.12.2022 The Fine arts society of Northern Savonia Group exhibition, Lapinlahti Pappilan kivinavetta 15.6. – 3.8.2022 The Fine arts society of Northern Savonia Group exhibition "To the wings", Lapinlahti Pappilan kivinavetta 12.6. – 8.8.2021 The Fine arts society of Iisalmi Region Virtual summer exhibition 2020 The Fine arts society Arttiimi Kuopio with Fine arts society of Siilinjävi "Kallan siltojen kahta puolen", Siilinjärvi Artsi 5.11. - 29.11.2019 The Fine arts society of Iisalmi Region Year art exhibition, Iisalmi 4.10. - 30.10.2019 The Fine arts society Arttiimi Kuopio The 40-year-exhibition, Main library Kuopio 8. - 20.7.2019 The Fine arts society of Northern Savonia Group exhibition, Lapinlahti Pappilan kivinavetta 15.6. – 4.8.2019 Kaskikuusi Adult Education Centre, Lapinlahti Spring art exhibition 2008-2019, 2021 The Fine arts society Arttiimi Kuopio Art exhibition CITY LIFE, Main library Kuopio 18. - 30.3.2019 The Fine arts society Arttiimi Kuopio Summer art exhibition 2010-2018, 2022 The Fine arts society of Northern Savonia Group exhibition, Lapinlahti Pappilan kivinavetta 15.6. – 5.8.2018 The Fine arts society of Iisalmi Region Summer art exhibition SOI, SOISELI, Sonkajärvi 1.6. - 6.7.2018 The Fine arts society Arttiimi Kuopio Art exhibition SQUARE, Main library Kuopio 12. - 24.3.2018 The Fine arts society of Iisalmi Region The 65-year-exhibition TIME IS, Cultural Centre Iisalmi 6.11. – 26.11.2017 The Fine arts society of Northern Savonia Group exhibition, Lapinlahti Pappilan kivinavetta 4.7. – 12.8.2017 The Fine arts society of Iisalmi Region Summer art exhibition TELLING TREES ... RIPENING DREAMS, Cultural Centre Iisalmi 5.6. - 30.8.2017 The Fine arts society Arttiimi Kuopio Art exhibition CHARM OF WATER, Main library Kuopio 20.3. - 1.4.2017 The Fine arts society Arttiimi Kuopio Art exhibition PETS, Main library Kuopio 26.9. - 8.10.2016 The Fine arts society of Iisalmi Region Year art exhibition, Cultural Centre Poleeni Pieksämäki 23.9. - 23.10.2016 The Fine arts society of Iisalmi Region Summer art exhibition, Iisalmi 6.6. - 27.8.2016 The Fine arts society of Iisalmi Region Year art exhibition, Cultural Centre Iisalmi 3. - 30.11.2015 The Fine arts society Arttiimi Kuopio Art eEsittely - Infoxhibition MENTAL LANDSCAPE, Main library Kuopio 28.9. - 10.10.2015 The Fine arts society of Iisalmi Region Summer art exhibition, Iisalmi 6.6. - 22.8.2015 The Fine arts society of Iisalmi Region Year art exhibition LIFE IS, Cultural Centre Iisalmi 4. - 30.10.2014 The Fine arts society Arttiimi Kuopio Art exhibition EQUALITY, Main library Kuopio 29.9. - 11.10.2014 The Fine arts society of Iisalmi Region Summer art exhibition, Kiuruvesi 1.-31.7.2014
Cultural Center Iisalmi, Finland-Hungary Ylä-Savo Club The ROOTS Memorial Exhibition of Raija Weisenberg, Venny Iisalmi 4. – 28.2.2014
The Fine arts society of Northern Savonia Group exhibition UNBEATEN SNOW at the Lapinlahti Art Museum 31.1. – 27.4.2014
The Fine arts society of Iisalmi Region Year art exhibition NOV, Art Center Väinölä Varkaus 1. - 31.11.2013
The Fine arts society Arttiimi Kuopio Art exhibition POWER OF COLORS, Main library Kuopio 1. - 12.10.2013
The Fine arts society of Iisalmi Region Summer art exhibition, Sonkajärvi 5.-30.8.2013
The Fine arts society of Iisalmi Region The 60-year-exhibition at the Lapinlahti Art Museum 12.10. – 16.12.2012 The exhibition was juried by artist, Doctor of Fine Arts, professor at Academy of Fine Arts Painting Department Tarja Pitkänen-Walter.
The Fine arts society of Iisalmi Region Summer art exhibition, Väre Kiuruvesi 3.-31.7.2012
Kaskikuusi Adult Education Centre, Lapinlahti Exhibition Pirkko Halonen and Pauli Hyvönen 2012
The Fine arts society of Northern Savonia HEAT, Artsi Siilinjärvi 1.9. – 29.9.2011
The Fine arts society Arttiimi Kuopio Art exhibition MOTION, Arttiimi Kuopio 7.5. – 15.5.2011
The Fine arts society of Iisalmi Region ECHO` Joint exhibition of Finland and Hungary, Hungary: Budapest 21.4.-28.5.2011, Pe´cel 10.6.-30.6.2011
The Fine arts society of Iisalmi Region AUTUMN 2010, Sonkajärvi Library 4.10.-26.10.2010
The Fine arts society Arttiimi Kuopio Taidekeskus Väinölä (Art Gallery Väinölä) Varkaus 2.3. – 30.3.2010
The Fine arts society of Northern Savonia Group exhibition, Suonenjoen Kellarikalleria (Cellar Gallery Suonenjoki) 31.08.-25.9.2009
More They selected me 3.7.2012 as the Featured Artist of the day at
Membersihip The Fine arts society of Iisalmi Region The Fine arts society Arttiimi Kuopio Content I want to express in my artworks harmonious and simultaneous sounds of piece and action in nature and in mind. |